The past week I celebrated my 1 month of home ownership! Boy has it been a ride so far! While I've definitely loved it, here's been some downers

1. My AC unit condenser went out leading me to invoke my Home warranty. Note to future home owners... GET A HOME WARRANTY. Seriously even though I've only been in this house for 3 weeks at the time, they sent someone right out and it only cost me 60 for parts and labor. Still sucked going 3 days in over 100 degree weather without A/C.

2. Got a water saving violation citation. APPARENTLY I can only water my lawn on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays BUT I signed up for my water utilities less than 3 weeks ago and no one told me there, NOR did they mention it in their "Welcome to PG" packet.. so I'm a bit mad but my advice to you here would be to check the city website for where you move. Most likely that's where they post about it.

3. I've now realized just how HUGE my yard is. Braden mowed the front and side along the fence (took him about 30-40 minutes) and I tackled the back yard in a ground breaking 45 minutes (Braden took about an hour I think) so ya.. yard is huge. Also realized how many poky weeds there are so have no bought weed killer... Hope that stuff works!

4. I have now also gone to the Home Depot at LEAST once a week.. sometimes more. Can't seem to ever get everything I needed at once.

5. Put a few pointless holes in the walls. And yes I'm referring to the shelf incident.... Coincidentally NOTHING can be hung on the walls in the room. I'm serious I tried to hang curtains (not even heavy ones) and they pulled right out of the wall.. They obviously used some cheap dry wall for that room... It's been a bummer.

6. And I've spent prob a grand (give or take a few hundred) on decor and furniture for my new home. It's been crazy but decorating his been so exciting and fun! The entire house is nautical/ beach/ hints of pirate themed and I love it! Pictures of the inside still to come. :)


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