3rd day of the Grand Canyon: Indian Garden to the top! I slept even worse the 2nd night consequently I woke up right at 5 when there was barely any light. I was going to let the boys sleep a bit longer but I was so bored so I started getting our stuff ready like filling our packs and what not.. they got up like 10 min later.. didn't help that I accidentally flashed the headlamp on them a couple times.... We started up the hill by 6:30 and luckily we got to do most of it by the time the sun hit us. The trail was incredibly daunting as it went right up the cliff face. Luckily there are waterhouses every 1.5 miles up Bright Angel trail so we took a couple of nice rests along the way. We needed to put those packs down every once in a while! See that peak.. look down along the edge, right at the entrance to this part of the canyon is where we spent the night... ya crazy I know! We love switchbacks! Thank you Y trail for being so awful! You make everythin...